For the last few weeks, it has been a crisis for some of you guys bout the gundul thingy.
i wanna say thank you to those yg bgundul which shows me that you guys are willing to do anything for the team. Not anything lah, but atleast there's something
As a reward you guys are still on the team.
and last but not least, Tawa
and to those yg inda i'm kinda disappointed plang, but bukan berabisly. Kalau aku pun nda mau tu, if rambut ku ok jua time atu haha~ I know that kamu really into this team (or not) cause kamu datang dah and stayed back masa 28/02. Nothing can change that, as i said jua time atu, siapa yg ada, eatah ppb yg banar tu.
as a reward to yg besabar (yg nda kana mentioned above lah tu) kamu still ppb, don't worry ;) As a captain, i can't just kick kamu keluar dari team without other's decision, unless kamu quit sendiri :p but lainlah aku kluar kan kamu dari game, atu i have the power tu hahaah XD but not out of this team. ntah eyh apakan~ pokonya nda yg kluar from this gundul thingy XD
but i heard ada yg kan kluar, bah agatah~ nda wah haha
okay i wanna confess something :D
actually i was kiding bout the gundul thingy haha~ but kamu took it seriously so te ikut2 tia ku jua wawawa~
So to those yg begundul, i wanna say thank you and sorry wawawa
and to yg inda, baie kamu lucky bastards~ CONGRATSSS!!!! wawawa. Ada jua ku bagi hint kan, to some people lah by saying "sabar saja," and syarif main buyuk. Ea main kurik dari ok, sorry syarif haha :p
to those yg ada plan/hajat kan gundul atu but balum menjadi, ehem2~ jgntah di tarik balik nah :p you know who you are ( ayen aiman ayyub ayai ambuk adul amir shahmi syahmi jazmi khalid)
nda wah~ skati XD
kay bye wawawa
APRIL FOOL~ nda wah. bedusa eyh. sudah tia bedusa, salah bulan lagi tu XD
owh ya~ i did told few people bout this plang masa awal bulan dah~ way way way awal yg aku kan cuba this thing, but main2 ;)