hey everybody. it's me. not you. apakan. i just wanna make a proposal here for bullate to approve, since he's the president of ppb. iatah about this proposal, it is very risky pulang. tapikan it can spice up a little bit bah untuk ppb. for future use jua and entertainment.
as u all know, masatu which i don't actually remember bila, president tricked us for fun, which we actually did and some argument between darlings, pasal anu ah the gondol stuff to "test our loyalties toward ppb ah". yknow kan. iatah
so why not we do the opposite then? :) geddit? yknow, ani belumba-lumba kan gondol, why not belawan rambut panjang. i know the gondol thing wasnt a competition but it seems like that like haziq the shrek, he showed off his skinhead. something like that. but no one wins because everyone wasnt the loser.
inda rugged kah tu? :) bah president whaddouting? so thats all for now. i hope ppb doesnt have any swine flu. thank you for your time.