Saturday, November 28, 2009
Hello again
YO~ esuk jalan convoy ke ntah mana kah tu yg ampir katok ah haha. Something yg agriculture-agriculture ah. Yg expo ah. So yg berminat pls inform, tani kumpul arah thye around 12. So yg ikut pls msg or inform saja dmana saja and gtau kan jua azlan and dano. PLISH haha ;D bye.
To my geng krita, kamu ikut? :D
What to do?
Okay cuti dah ni bhapa tah kami ni?
I propose bbq/sleepover/bachelor(chub's idea) at my place 2 december ani since match that day postpone, so siapa mau datang by all means datang. YES bawa laptop kamu yg kn DotA and router cos kamu mau one connection for dotA.
im sure kamu tahu dah mana rumah ku HAHA. if nada transport ku ambil kai van ku ni haha.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Apakah yg tersimpan dibalik lobang yg besar itu?

because to see her lips they blush for shame,
how i wish we could have never met,
my life won't change and every thing's the same.
please talk to me, so i can talk to you,
i wanna know how you feel,
i know i sound like a coward,
but it's just how you make me feel.
everything is my fault,
im sorry about the letter,
happy times can't be brought back,
you can only make it better.
perasaannya ani lama sudah disiruknya, ani barutah lapas =p
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Me mau jua ;p
So since Joules and Syarif had talked about their DotA hero, now it's my turn guys :p

I'm gonna make this simple, i'm falling inlove with this new hero of mine but balum lagi dapat pakai, menunggu approval kawan ku si IceFrog dulu hehe, so guys jangan macam-macam, he's my hero. Aku book ea dah.
I present to you, a cousin of night stalker, an AGI ;D

Sunday, November 15, 2009
F*ck DotA, we are Warcraft-er now ;p
Alhamdulillah~ Alhamdulillah'irrabbilalamin ;)
HAHA nampaknya post ku before ani yg about nama teams terjadi, NADA AMPIT REGISTER huahuahua =D So usul-usulnya org yang nada ikut zi atu kaya-kaya ni masih, contribute tah utk tayar ku hehe ;p $40 yaw, or $20 utk yg sikinhin ;)
Sooo nampaknya captain lut cawee, jangankan masuk group stage, masuk registration pun nada dapat huahuahua XD I guess maybe pasal team taun ani kuat-kuat eatah nada temasuk haha buuuttt jubur =p but still jgn berputus asa yg nada main, saya sebagai atasan sudah membuat perundingan dan saya berjaya membuatkan kamu 1 spot yaw.
Giiilaaaa~ bukannya aku nada handal merunding atu haha, so for wednesday, players of ZUL HALIM pakai full kit ah pasal aku sudah sediakan one spot utk kamu menyokong kami huahuahuahuahu XD
First of all aku mau gtau kamu semua c syarif caweee pasal keciplakan nya. banci wah ku.. UGHHHzz
anyways, i guess Tuhan makbulkan doa ku pasal aku inda mau main Z.I. cup taun ani. so maybe ada sikit2 pasal my fault lah. so sorryy guys. im really sorry especially to yang really wanna play macam ZIQY (AKA SHREKY), ALut (tapi ok jua lah kalau c lut inda main), Ayen, Helicopter dll.
lagipun, damal macam nada masane since sepatutnya zero, lime and light yang main. but anywooo guys, semoga berjaya dalam Z.I. cup and to syarif, stop being such a noob joke stealer. or later i kick u.
thats all.
Hee :)
Hello PPB-ians.
Saya wakil dari PPB Zul Halim yang inda dapat masuk ZI =( just want to say GOODLUCK to PPB Zul Aqil and PPB Syahmi Helmi for the Z.I. Open :D
Our goal this year macam biasa tu ah: try to get pass the group stage, wawawa. nada wah :P
I really believe u guys can win the World Cup so yeah, mainlah dengan bersungguh-sungguh and don't let our kapitan down. Hehe. macam baie. bah. adang.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Ibnu Ayyub.
P/S: baie kan, esuk jua start tu ZI ah. tapi group A plang saja. haha. Group B (PPB Z A) and D (PPB S H) wednesday. okay lah. apakan :D
The Seven Pictures
There were eight of them.
A group of friends went for a trip to Temburong.
They arrived at Temburong somewhere after 7pm.
They stayed in some old wooden house.
The place had no electricity.
At night, they had nothing to do.
So they all gathered in the living room.
They used their own flashlight to brighten the room.
On the wall, there were seven pictures.
Pictures of the previous owners of the house.
They looked really old and ugly.
So the group of friends flashed on each one of the pictures
and starting commenting how the ugly the pictures were.
Then, they moved on to the next picture and laughed.
They laughed all night about the pictures.
How ugly their noses were.
How bad their hair style was.
How terrible they looked in the pictrues
It was fun.
Then, as they went on laughing they didnt realized
it was already 2am in the morning.
So they went to bed.
All of them.
In the morning, two of them woke up early.
So they went to the living room.
Suddenly, they started screaming and fainted.
And u know why?
The pictures they saw the other night were actually windows.
True story.
p/s: one of the scariest stories I ever heard
Friday, November 13, 2009
Attention to all dota players (part ii)
assalamualaikum, (ciplak :P)

hes no longer me punya true hero beb. parut nya labu dahh. barat. inda pandai farming. cawieee. badan banyak jerawat. lawan skeleton king pun takut! lawan akasha pun pisan-pisanan! kalah lawan DK!! so if u guys kan cuba pakai gondar. cuba tiaa. siuk pulang banar nyaa. macam alum me pernah liat u all pakai. isuk lahh ahh? okehh?
anyway me masani kan cuba random2 saja if main.start isuk lah. kecuali if oponent me macam kuat2 me cuba lah pilih sendiri selain gondar.
ani gambar si gondar dulu sebelum ia jadi gondar. bountagina.
assalamualaikum, (ciplak :P)

hes no longer me punya true hero beb. parut nya labu dahh. barat. inda pandai farming. cawieee. badan banyak jerawat. lawan skeleton king pun takut! lawan akasha pun pisan-pisanan! kalah lawan DK!! so if u guys kan cuba pakai gondar. cuba tiaa. siuk pulang banar nyaa. macam alum me pernah liat u all pakai. isuk lahh ahh? okehh?
anyway me masani kan cuba random2 saja if main.start isuk lah. kecuali if oponent me macam kuat2 me cuba lah pilih sendiri selain gondar.
ani gambar si gondar dulu sebelum ia jadi gondar. bountagina.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Attention to all Dota players

anyway, ani gambar me sama spirit bear me. so anyway, tuan me yang namanya nO0b_allmylovin atu macam inda beguna me lagi. so me kan tanya u all lah, if any of u kan beguna me. siapa yang mau me, me bagi free ride atas spirit bear me. apamacam. sama me bagi u, sebiji radiance for free with warranty one year. apamacam? okay kan deal me atu. so think about it. lagipun sanak me sudah kan betuan allmylovin atu. macam sikit2 jungling. tapi handal plg ya pakai me atu. macam roshan pun settle bah ulehnya. baru level one (eksen me) so me aherkan me punya post ani dengan link me bagi. atu me punya latest guide if u all mau tau cana kan pakai me. yang dibuat oleh nO0b_allmylovin sendiri. enjoy~ :D
ikhlas dari,
Sunday, November 8, 2009
nama pasukan
PPB karing will be named after ZUL HELMI + AQIL so jadi PPB ZUL AQIL.
PPB baku will be named after ZUL HELMI + SYAHMI so jadi PPB SYAHMI HELMI.
PPB basah and damal will be named after ZUL HELMI + HALIM so jadi PPB BAHRIN ALIF wawawawawawawa XD ............ so jadi PPB ZUL HALIM.
To captain of karing, Dano, please aga cigu and change it ;D
To captains of baku, Aiman Shahmi and Hadi, (team gila pangkat ni eatah ramai haha :p) jgn lupa antar borang and ubah nama.
To the unknown captain of basah and damal, inda krg ampit register, baik laju haha :p
sorry yaw aku membersihkan tu eatah tetakan, malas ku mendelete huahauhua XD yatabah~ sooooooooooooo
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO AYENO KUDROS yg makin lampuh ;p awu yo baru ku sadar kemarin XD stress kah yen? jgn cmatu eyh, cmana kan main go kart krg? nada muat tu :p

sorry yaw aku membersihkan tu eatah tetakan, malas ku mendelete huahauhua XD yatabah~ sooooooooooooo
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO AYENO KUDROS yg makin lampuh ;p awu yo baru ku sadar kemarin XD stress kah yen? jgn cmatu eyh, cmana kan main go kart krg? nada muat tu :p

Sunday, November 1, 2009
So yeah z.i. ada dah, so so so cmana? SP? team baru? team lama? team masani? kamon-kamon, and one team 8 org kah? ntah lupa ku :D so respond guys respond, bukan respawn ;p huahuahua ok. BYE~
i love goblin techies huahuahua ;D

Kota Kinabalu plan
Guys, okay cemani lah. Ada some sudah ku gitau about tani kan ke KK lapas periksa ani, to yang balum tau and interested it's like this, aku plan kan bawa kamu ke Kota Kinabalu lapas Hari Raya Aidiladha which falls on the 27th of November( so most probably kami jalan on the 28th lah tu) we'll be staying there in 3D 2N saja to shorten our expenses, so kan we're going there just chilling out, stretch some legs, jalan-jalan, shopping kah apa manasaja kamu. All expenses kamu sendiri. So that's the basic idea of it. Alright i've made some calculations after browsing on the web, kami pakai Airsia ke sana so aku estimate dalam 6 orang arah group kami which is about $77 BND plus hotel (tempat kami tinggal ani di Tune Hotels, at 1Borneo)dalam $82BND. (do the maths) So PLEASE yang banar-banar kan mau ani do let me know, in Facebook or MSN or text me at +6738888500 ( leave your name at the end of your texts, bukannya ku ada contact kamu semua). If it's possible to give me the payment in 2 weeks advance latest sal hotel tani atu macam inda banyak room saja dan takut flight kan ke sana full (tau tah ujung tahun kan) and we might stray off from the planned date, okay?
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