Friday, October 31, 2008
Z.I. Cup
ladies, baiktah exercise. zi cup nda lagi lama. btw me akan cuba sedaya upaya me nda merajuk like last year. hehehe
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sex scene J&J
hey bebs, me lagi. yg suka ketawa manja ah. hehehe *tu nah ketawa manjanya ah*
so tadi as me promise to u bebs, me bawa tah komik yg me buat ah. so mcm2 kumin me dapat.. disebabkan me punya komik atu cali, u bebs mau tah yg lain lagi. me skrg ani alum ada ilham lah. so to u bebs, tunggu saja k.
for the ladies yg alum baca komik me, baiktah baca.. bawah ani gambar sedutan komik me ah.. hehehe *ketawa manja*

apa macam? attractive tah drawing me atu? heheehe. so jgn lupa baca me punya komik. 2mrw me skool tu.
so tadi as me promise to u bebs, me bawa tah komik yg me buat ah. so mcm2 kumin me dapat.. disebabkan me punya komik atu cali, u bebs mau tah yg lain lagi. me skrg ani alum ada ilham lah. so to u bebs, tunggu saja k.
for the ladies yg alum baca komik me, baiktah baca.. bawah ani gambar sedutan komik me ah.. hehehe *ketawa manja*

apa macam? attractive tah drawing me atu? heheehe. so jgn lupa baca me punya komik. 2mrw me skool tu.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
ketawa manja
me ani pemain ppb damal. iatah me suka baju me bau damal. heheh *ketawa manja* me punya posisi msa main putsal jadi dipin aka defence. hehehe *ketawa manja lagi*
so lately me ada buat comic. u know mcm komik. tukar sja c atu jadi k. paham u? me pun. hehehe *ketawa manja saja* so masa me buat komik atu me pun malu lah rasa me. so me ke jamban. rupanya kan beria aka keluarkan me punya stthit *me sengaja tu wrong spelling ah* ke lubang jamban. pikir tah malu.
sebenarnya me kan masukkan plg one of the gambar yg me lukis bukan main pulis. tapi mcm lain bah yg me lukis atu. takut me kana feedback. apakan tu ertinya feedback atu ah? me pun. so me gtau saja lah apa title komik atu. "HOW JON AND JAZMI IKUT PPB"
me dapat ilham ani dari curahan hati u all plg. so me thank you all lah for letting u all share u all punya cerita sama me. sebenarnya me mana suka tu main secret2 atu. hehehe *ketawa biasa. eksen me. ketawa manja sebenarnya*
To u all. good luck bsuk ah. to all yg blajar sudah u nda need luck, u need muck *ertinya sama plg mcm luck. tapi me tukar saja L atu jadi m*
so lately me ada buat comic. u know mcm komik. tukar sja c atu jadi k. paham u? me pun. hehehe *ketawa manja saja* so masa me buat komik atu me pun malu lah rasa me. so me ke jamban. rupanya kan beria aka keluarkan me punya stthit *me sengaja tu wrong spelling ah* ke lubang jamban. pikir tah malu.
sebenarnya me kan masukkan plg one of the gambar yg me lukis bukan main pulis. tapi mcm lain bah yg me lukis atu. takut me kana feedback. apakan tu ertinya feedback atu ah? me pun. so me gtau saja lah apa title komik atu. "HOW JON AND JAZMI IKUT PPB"
me dapat ilham ani dari curahan hati u all plg. so me thank you all lah for letting u all share u all punya cerita sama me. sebenarnya me mana suka tu main secret2 atu. hehehe *ketawa biasa. eksen me. ketawa manja sebenarnya*
To u all. good luck bsuk ah. to all yg blajar sudah u nda need luck, u need muck *ertinya sama plg mcm luck. tapi me tukar saja L atu jadi m*
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Dear Non-Poklens,
m3yh wUz b@cAinG th!z bLoG k@n.. aNd m3yh !nDa n@mVaKzZ aNyTh!nG p0kL3nZ.. s0 y3aH, m3yh tO th3 r3sCuE..!!
s0.. b!La uZ d@PaTz tH3 bJs..?? ah@Kz.. m3yh m@KzUd b@jUz.. m3 wUnd3RinGz aJ@.. heh3hx..
0oh, th3 L0Go.. l@wA k@h..?? K@LaU l@wA.. kYr!m S@LaMz 3yh..!!
m3yh wUz b@cAinG th!z bLoG k@n.. aNd m3yh !nDa n@mVaKzZ aNyTh!nG p0kL3nZ.. s0 y3aH, m3yh tO th3 r3sCuE..!!
s0.. b!La uZ d@PaTz tH3 bJs..?? ah@Kz.. m3yh m@KzUd b@jUz.. m3 wUnd3RinGz aJ@.. heh3hx..
0oh, th3 L0Go.. l@wA k@h..?? K@LaU l@wA.. kYr!m S@LaMz 3yh..!!
the Poklen.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Logo Jarred
Siapa mau mliat wrna logo tani yg bru please come on monday and jumpa aku ;D . . . Rugi siapa nda mliat =p . . . Well basically inda plang cause sooner or later kmu liat jua wah 2 haha XD
Friday, October 17, 2008
Jersey siap dah. Masa ni kmi kn bgi logo sja lgi~ siapa mau bgi nama, please inform us ;D
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I'm Sorry I Can't Be Perfect~
Kehadapan ahli PPB ku yg open house today and yesterday. AIMAN, SYAFIQ and SYAHMI, MIZAN, AYYUB and SHREK. Saya dengan penuh hormat dan berdukacita ingin meminta maaf kepada kalian kerana tidak dapat hadir. Nda transportation cause ayahanda gue bekerja dan abg saya merosak rencana saya ='( . . . Anyway sorry guys~ maybe next time haha ;D . . . Enjoy your raya eventhough esuk skulah XD
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Breaking News
To my fellow PPB's, i'm inviting y'all to me open house.At Sunday, Come after lunch. to those of you who don't know where my house is, it's at B6, cawangan lalulintas PHQ, Gadong. lagi inda tahu olehnya, tau kamu tempat Polis Trafik? (bukan Polis Headquarters atu ah). sudah kamu masuk entrance nya, ada simpang dapan, kiri sama kanan. Kamu ambil sebalah KANAN. Then find the second bungalow to your left or try to find my car numbers which is the 740's, kalau atu pun inda tahu cuba cari pajero ku ah yang kamu malar naik ah. :P anyway hope you guys will come. contact number 8888500
P.S. sorry if i have not been replying your raya greetings and further texts, credit ku masa ani $0.05.alum bebali. so yeah :D. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all of you, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. try to catch me at MSN guys. from #11
Thursday, October 2, 2008
From Alif Batu
Kepada semua ppb,
selamat hari raya aidilfitri,
aku post sja dsni,
kreditku abis nda tbli.
Pacah-pacah bigi damal,
lampuh-lampuh tpi hndl,
bulan mulia bulan syawal,
mkn pun nda dpt dkwl.
Pacah-pacah bigi karing,
valuenya tinggi mcm bling2,
handphoneku balik2 brdering,
durng ngntar aku raya greetings.
Pacah-pacah bigi basah,
Awal! Awal! Awal! Awal!,
captainnya c akil tu ah,
memng hebat dlm mengawal.
Pacah-pacah bigi baku,
Rival hebat damal teamku,
walaupun durng ane rivalku,
mereka tetap kwn2ku.
Kpda semua ppb,
selamat hari raya aidilfitri,
sekian shja smpai dsni,
jumpa dskulah sja nanti.
*semangat wah ea ah xp
selamat hari raya aidilfitri,
aku post sja dsni,
kreditku abis nda tbli.
Pacah-pacah bigi damal,
lampuh-lampuh tpi hndl,
bulan mulia bulan syawal,
mkn pun nda dpt dkwl.
Pacah-pacah bigi karing,
valuenya tinggi mcm bling2,
handphoneku balik2 brdering,
durng ngntar aku raya greetings.
Pacah-pacah bigi basah,
Awal! Awal! Awal! Awal!,
captainnya c akil tu ah,
memng hebat dlm mengawal.
Pacah-pacah bigi baku,
Rival hebat damal teamku,
walaupun durng ane rivalku,
mereka tetap kwn2ku.
Kpda semua ppb,
selamat hari raya aidilfitri,
sekian shja smpai dsni,
jumpa dskulah sja nanti.
*semangat wah ea ah xp
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sungkai Arab
29/09 -
PPB had a sungkai di luar at wecan restaurant. It all went well. Flawless. Nice plan QIL =p unlike mcm si DANO yg slalu last minute haha =p
1st to came were me and AQIL. Did a deposit since we're early. 3rd SHREK, we met up at the cinema 'free movie area' =D. Then AYYUB, there too. Ea kata2 cause kmi tipu ea which made him nda smpat bgunting XD. Fifth was AIMAN, we were at the rps but he didn't saw us so he went up the escalator, mengaleh kn diri =p. Ea bariwatir cause kabak2 brabis pasal kmi tipu XD. Then we met JOULES arh cinema. He brought lotsa tokens yg nda abis bpakai lehnya and honoured it to us. Haha apakan~ okay 6 dah dtg. 4 more ;D
while waiting we went to the arcade making full use tokens atu, syg jua kn =p . . . SHREK played tekken against AYYUB, both got a tie kali. I had a 3 match against AIMAN on tennis =p, i won twice, practice MAN haha.
went out, me SHREK and AIMAN including SHREK's bro went to netland while the others, JOULES AQIL and AYYUB went to the saloon. Netland we played cs 2 on 2. Me AIMAN against the HUSAINI's haha ;D. First round was at cs_deatmatch, we lost big time cause wth~ apa berperang nda duit xp . . . 2nd round we played at cs_speedrun, now it's our time. We won small time, apakan~ jaditah haha. It's a tie lah overall ;D . . . Then we played cod, 2 against 2. Me SHREK against AIMAN and adi SHREK. We were winning, not until si JON came to join them, but we still won it haha apakan~ 2 against 3? You guys suck xp. Si JON msgd drang si AQIL to ask drang dmana, they said they're watching movie. I thought he was lying mcm earlier so didn't bother bout it.
after 2 hours of killing and laughing our ass off, we went back to mall searching for the others. Failed, so we sat down at the food court and played cards. Adi si SHREK sucks cause he sucks haha XD . . . Si JON became org bauta . . . I mean buta xp . . . Called SYAHMI, well he wasn't coming cause damam, get well soon yaw ;)
then we met them at wetzone kh? Sama saja rambut si AQIL and AYYUB ani but nipis-er :D si PICIK was with them. okay~ they did really watched a movie, connected, how selfish of them bastards were =p. Haha nda wah ;D
went to wecan restaurant. JAZ came. Did some stuffs there, new and olds. Everyone was so funny, i guess they have been practicing the whole holiday for it, nda wah XD. The food was ok but nda mencukupi. Si PICIK tamak, sudah tia nda puasa =p Then si PICIK balik cause parents nya marah haha plus ea kn jumpa abgnya, haha gay, kn jumpa alainya wah ;D. After paying and stuffs si JOULES had to went home. 7 were left so we planned to watch a movie. Owh ya~ si AYYUB was trying to menculik and something some little kids earlier, YUB YUB xp
we watched painted skin, the movie SHREK's been craving for months haha~ bought drinks and smuggle it through bag si AQIL =D . . . we then realised were given the disaster movie ticket instead, mistake made by the ticket-er, so we changed it. Si SHREK was menrungut-ing not to change it, ksian haha xp . . . The movie was boring plang bnrnya but since the actresses were beautiful ok tia XD . . . and handsome actors kata si JON, nda wah =p.
the movie ended, we went to the boy's toilet =D (duh~) and pee pee, haha too detailed XD. Bought a popcorn for 7, terlambat haha . . . Then went to the rizqun's elevator to hantar SHREK, suspend haha . . . He was humiliated by the stupid monkey throwing and wasting popcorns at him, nda wah JON XD. Went to jolibee, JAZ went home, rumahnya d jolibee haha apakan~ mpb =p . . . Then i went home, the others? Idk haha~
it all went well lah pokoknya =D. Akarnya we enjoyed it, except for SHREK kali haha XD and special thanks to AIMAN too cause providing the free-of-charge-pinjam-telipun-mu ;D
majal jua haha ku atu ah XD
PPB had a sungkai di luar at wecan restaurant. It all went well. Flawless. Nice plan QIL =p unlike mcm si DANO yg slalu last minute haha =p
1st to came were me and AQIL. Did a deposit since we're early. 3rd SHREK, we met up at the cinema 'free movie area' =D. Then AYYUB, there too. Ea kata2 cause kmi tipu ea which made him nda smpat bgunting XD. Fifth was AIMAN, we were at the rps but he didn't saw us so he went up the escalator, mengaleh kn diri =p. Ea bariwatir cause kabak2 brabis pasal kmi tipu XD. Then we met JOULES arh cinema. He brought lotsa tokens yg nda abis bpakai lehnya and honoured it to us. Haha apakan~ okay 6 dah dtg. 4 more ;D
while waiting we went to the arcade making full use tokens atu, syg jua kn =p . . . SHREK played tekken against AYYUB, both got a tie kali. I had a 3 match against AIMAN on tennis =p, i won twice, practice MAN haha.
went out, me SHREK and AIMAN including SHREK's bro went to netland while the others, JOULES AQIL and AYYUB went to the saloon. Netland we played cs 2 on 2. Me AIMAN against the HUSAINI's haha ;D. First round was at cs_deatmatch, we lost big time cause wth~ apa berperang nda duit xp . . . 2nd round we played at cs_speedrun, now it's our time. We won small time, apakan~ jaditah haha. It's a tie lah overall ;D . . . Then we played cod, 2 against 2. Me SHREK against AIMAN and adi SHREK. We were winning, not until si JON came to join them, but we still won it haha apakan~ 2 against 3? You guys suck xp. Si JON msgd drang si AQIL to ask drang dmana, they said they're watching movie. I thought he was lying mcm earlier so didn't bother bout it.
after 2 hours of killing and laughing our ass off, we went back to mall searching for the others. Failed, so we sat down at the food court and played cards. Adi si SHREK sucks cause he sucks haha XD . . . Si JON became org bauta . . . I mean buta xp . . . Called SYAHMI, well he wasn't coming cause damam, get well soon yaw ;)
then we met them at wetzone kh? Sama saja rambut si AQIL and AYYUB ani but nipis-er :D si PICIK was with them. okay~ they did really watched a movie, connected, how selfish of them bastards were =p. Haha nda wah ;D
went to wecan restaurant. JAZ came. Did some stuffs there, new and olds. Everyone was so funny, i guess they have been practicing the whole holiday for it, nda wah XD. The food was ok but nda mencukupi. Si PICIK tamak, sudah tia nda puasa =p Then si PICIK balik cause parents nya marah haha plus ea kn jumpa abgnya, haha gay, kn jumpa alainya wah ;D. After paying and stuffs si JOULES had to went home. 7 were left so we planned to watch a movie. Owh ya~ si AYYUB was trying to menculik and something some little kids earlier, YUB YUB xp
we watched painted skin, the movie SHREK's been craving for months haha~ bought drinks and smuggle it through bag si AQIL =D . . . we then realised were given the disaster movie ticket instead, mistake made by the ticket-er, so we changed it. Si SHREK was menrungut-ing not to change it, ksian haha xp . . . The movie was boring plang bnrnya but since the actresses were beautiful ok tia XD . . . and handsome actors kata si JON, nda wah =p.
the movie ended, we went to the boy's toilet =D (duh~) and pee pee, haha too detailed XD. Bought a popcorn for 7, terlambat haha . . . Then went to the rizqun's elevator to hantar SHREK, suspend haha . . . He was humiliated by the stupid monkey throwing and wasting popcorns at him, nda wah JON XD. Went to jolibee, JAZ went home, rumahnya d jolibee haha apakan~ mpb =p . . . Then i went home, the others? Idk haha~
it all went well lah pokoknya =D. Akarnya we enjoyed it, except for SHREK kali haha XD and special thanks to AIMAN too cause providing the free-of-charge-pinjam-telipun-mu ;D
majal jua haha ku atu ah XD
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