Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Last match of the year 2009
Ok then, you all will better come. See you guys on the pitch. Jgn ahir dtg, be on time.
Kepada zahir, bambang pemungkas, Happy birthday, semoga kaki mu baik, inda silahau, dapat jua kau balik main bula lagi.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Meet me halfway
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Descendant of Phelps and Carol Yager
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
nO0b rAPpErZz
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Geng GKZ dikerjakan
aku copy paste saja dari blog ku ;D
SIGH -_-'
So zaim abis credit then decided to go to the 24/7 kadai cina on top of the bukit near london kebab ah. So ok jalan, then just as we passed by the traffic light, i saw the Kadai Kaling masih buka so tarus tia masuk sana since buka atu jua kan
Zaim lanja each of us minuman but i decided to drink it later. So i went to the purple mark arah the above picture, it is the 2nd exit. I looked my right, ada a big car macam prado lah cmatu slowing down arah blue mark ah because the traffic light was orange. So since it was orange lapas atu confirm jua red tu kan~ so aku jalan lah kan ke kiri to the pink mark
Out of nowhere
Piiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there was a horn, so long~ awal-awal damit then makin basar as it got nearer.
Woooiii!!!!! Dakat jua tu!!! - shouted the driver in the car as they passed us
Then i was like, huh??? apa eyh?? dakat?? tarang-tarang ea jauh lagi masatu, macam arah brown mark ah. Jauh jua tu!!!?? Well actually nada plang ku nampak keritanya coming pasal the light was red and ada big car stopping atu so i was looking at the road where i'm going. Inda semana-mana bah ea ada ah. Ea melanggar lampu merah atulah pokonya, yg sepatutnya ea branti instead ea blaju and tarus-tarus hon kami yg very slow kluar from the purple mark
The car got infront of us, lapas sudah bah. Nada jua ada accident -_-' but then he decided to stop arah grey mark so kami paksa jua stop arah pink atu since he blocked the road. He turned on the left signalled and got out of his car with two of his friends, but yg sorang at the back seat decided to masuk balik
At that time my heart was racing, OOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooossshhiiiitttt!!!! Badannya lagi tagap

He stood beside the car arah brown mark facing me who was sitting arah purple mark. Shit!! bari takut muanya, ganas!!!! his right eye was white and bnyak scars around it O.0
Dakat jua tu!!! - he shouted
Minta maaf ku - me. Tarus bah ku cakap. takut jua ku tu
Then he said something yg others in the car can get it except for me
Below is the question that he asked me after minta maaf, play it.
so? paham? That's my voice actually :D but the style, i mean caranya becakap atu was his. Exactly the same!!! pasal bnyak kali wah ea tanya ah -_-'
Ok he said ' mun ada apa-apa cemana?'
Rul minta maaf saja - zaim who was sitting arah blue mark
Minta maaf ku - me
but then nada mau-mau bah ea ah -_-' tanya lagi, the exact same way. Play saja yg atas ah ;p
Pasal balik-balik dtanya, i was thinking maybe ea mau jawapan kali wah so i answered ' nada papa'
Then he bacame much louder " HNADAPAPACHANA!!! , "
Cakap bisai-bisai wah baie!!!!! - i shouted. Nada wah~ macam tah berani aku ani :p So again i told him nada papa
Keluar kau kajap - he said
Mati engine O.o , eyah sepoil hahaha! I turned on the emergency light and got out pf the car, we went infront of the car and again -_-' tanyanya lagi wah soalan yg sama ah. I gave him the same answer. He then chokeslammed me on the grey mark of the car. ( chokeslam = choke + lift + slam ) Lapaskannya tangannya and tanyanya lagi the question and i answered the same. Out of nowhere start menumbuk tia ea ani. HOOK punch lah semua hitting at the back of my head. Ada macam 3 - 5 times then he changed direction to my badan. Main sauk? i mean caranya menumbuk ah. Luckily badan ku macam si jacob so nada terasa lah :p huahuahuahau XD eatah he changed lagi back to my head -_-'
Oww masa ku kana chokeslam, ayyub who was sitting arah green mark said something..
" ZAIMMMM~ " si ayyub ani hoping si zaim to do something
buuutt Si zaim tungkal ketakutan macam nada tau apa kan dbuat , instead he threw his wallet away supaya nada kana ambil haha
After that kawannya yg damit menyabarkan sekajap, ea suruh aku masuk kerita and jalan. I said sorry and shook his hand. When i got in the car, the guy yg mata putih ani cari masalah lagi -_-'
" Kamu yg dblakang ani mengapa?!!! kan melawankan??!! ahhh!!! kan melawankan??!!! "
He went to the pink mark and opened the door ampir ayyub atu and tried pulling aiman who was sitting at the red mark. He then punched aiman in the face. Masa ea menarik-narik si aiman atu, mua si mata putih ani macam dapan-dapan si ayyub eatah si ayyub tecium bau beer, so the guy was mabuk time atu. No wonder pasal perkara damit pun jadi basar. Cakap pun nada beluyuss :p
" Man, sabar man~" - me
Then yg damit ani menaie palat tia jua, " apa nyamu?!!!! "
So again i was pulled out from the car, now kali ani both of them yg mengantam. Masa kana tumbuk-tumbuk atu i was thinking of a way for them stop mengantam me, so i waited for the right time and the right punch to make fall on the side. Went to the orange mark, the right punch came and i jumped across the railing and stayed down on the grass as if aku pengsan
So kawannya yg damit ani macam panic lah ketakutan
nijam palui nijam!!! nijam!!! adang palui!!! nijam!!!! - si damit
Si nijam mata putih ani cari pasal jua masih arah si aiman, tarik-tariknya lagi through tempat yg sama and script yg sama -_-'
Then i decided to stood up, ooops salah timing -_-' kana tarik then kana tumbuk-tumbuk lagi -_-' There was this guy datang arah yellow mark and meliat apa yg terjadi, nada jua menolong -_-' but inda apalah~ dipahami. He was macam bapa-bapa, jenisnya macam bapa si syarif. I mean soft-soft looking guy :D Eatah jarih saja karang
Bah agatah jalan!!! jalan!!! - damit, but mengambil kesempatan baie ah menumbuk
Started the engine and tarus zoom, naik bukit kan -_-' then before london kami masuk to the side betapuk and rehat kajap. Sana barutah terasa sakit and all. My back lower right head was swelling -_-' Sampai now still terasa masih, but inda apa~ hengsam lakat haha :p Si aiman melapaskan marahnya sana -_-' terlambat man, nada guna :p
It was a life-death situation wah ='( kami nada melawan balik cause takut darang ada something macam pisau wah, mati meninggal saja karang =( Biar tia drang memuaskan hati. I know some people yg after mendangar or membaca this story would be macam ngapa nada dlawan?? mun aku wah ku lawan tu~ Puii kamu, it was a very different situation wah!! Orang atu lagi menakutkan and mabuk. Kalau kan dlawan nada guna wah and even if we did succeed, kana intai jua kan lapas atu so nada guna wah ='(
We now know why some parents were so strict pasal time jalan, cause they're afraid things like this to happen to their children. To my friends yg driving, jangan akhir balik except if kamu beramai and sanggup menerima risiko. Pokoknya berhati-hati lah and to the girls, awal balik!! jangan limpas 11!! Pasal if we guys ok lah, we can take a punch or more. If girls?? Walaupun kamu can take a punch jua, but baik masa drang kan mempunch? What if drang ROGOL?? Sorry if i'm being rude~ but who am i to stop you all from doing your thanggss. Just giving an advice. Drive safely pun nada guna bah, mun sudah orang atu mabuk cemana jua kan :|
Kami besyukur jua lah sikit kami yg kana, what if orang lain yg kana mcam yg family, abis eyh. Kesian wah tu the dad, and maybe jua orang atu berani beranti cause we were on kijang masatu and kijang ani biasanya mcam kerita contractors and all kan eatah. Skali liatnya lagi muda driver ani, waseehhh~ :p haha mengambil kesempatan aku ah XD makin tia ea brani, badan ani nada jua seberapa
A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE wah tu. After that went to aiman's to ambil barangnya and then back to me home. We were still traumatized by it, semua awake tarus after that. Zaim and nunu saja yg tidur pasal drang selamat, invisible bah drang ah. Kalau ada gem wah abis kamu :p
It was 5.30am, bangunkan zaim and nunu and off we go to airport to sent joules who was going to singapore for the syc. Balik rumah around 7 and semua tidur. Woke up around 12 kali, makan. At 7pm sent zaim home pasal ea mengusut, orang dirumahnya bbq eatah. Mamanya invite kami tarus to stay and makan. Hoho coolio~ but kami kanyang dah time atu, main pajal saja. Nyumnyum.
about an hour lah sana, si yuudii also came. We told the story arah mama si zaim and baru kami tau kalau kan report to the police must be on the spot. I mean on the day atu jua, but useless jua bah pasal confirm kana cari after report eatah. Then me and ayyub went to aiman cause we needed to do some kricking and tarus sleepover there
Mangsa-mangsa yg dikerajakan oleh nijam mabuk dan sang kecil
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I think that's my tinker bell~
So esuk ada match arah menglait futsal at 1 - 4. This match is between us PPB, Outsyders and Trivella so please do come. Sorry i won't be providing transportation to other people other than the GKZ ;D
So GKZ namely,
please msg me if kamu minta ambil, aite aite aite? and please packing jua manatau ada plan mengajut huahuahuahua XD
Ok people~ dtg ah and to PPB's bawa dua-dua baju ah. JON gloves ;D
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
mana si grul kan?
Bah guys. Lunch me dulu. Msg si grul lagi belum ku reply. Expired ah. So to grul, if you're reading this, 'awu aku jadi, mana saja. So what's your plan?'
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Hello again
What to do?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Apakah yg tersimpan dibalik lobang yg besar itu?

because to see her lips they blush for shame,
how i wish we could have never met,
my life won't change and every thing's the same.
please talk to me, so i can talk to you,
i wanna know how you feel,
i know i sound like a coward,
but it's just how you make me feel.
everything is my fault,
im sorry about the letter,
happy times can't be brought back,
you can only make it better.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Me mau jua ;p

Sunday, November 15, 2009
F*ck DotA, we are Warcraft-er now ;p
Hee :)
The Seven Pictures
Friday, November 13, 2009
Attention to all dota players (part ii)
assalamualaikum, (ciplak :P)

hes no longer me punya true hero beb. parut nya labu dahh. barat. inda pandai farming. cawieee. badan banyak jerawat. lawan skeleton king pun takut! lawan akasha pun pisan-pisanan! kalah lawan DK!! so if u guys kan cuba pakai gondar. cuba tiaa. siuk pulang banar nyaa. macam alum me pernah liat u all pakai. isuk lahh ahh? okehh?
anyway me masani kan cuba random2 saja if main.start isuk lah. kecuali if oponent me macam kuat2 me cuba lah pilih sendiri selain gondar.
ani gambar si gondar dulu sebelum ia jadi gondar. bountagina.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Attention to all Dota players

Sunday, November 8, 2009
nama pasukan
sorry yaw aku membersihkan tu eatah tetakan, malas ku mendelete huahauhua XD yatabah~ sooooooooooooo
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO AYENO KUDROS yg makin lampuh ;p awu yo baru ku sadar kemarin XD stress kah yen? jgn cmatu eyh, cmana kan main go kart krg? nada muat tu :p

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kota Kinabalu plan
Sunday, October 25, 2009
maritah loser :p

“Luke: I can’t believe it. Yoda: That is why you fail.”
Back when I was younger and first watched the Star Wars movies my favorites were Yoda and Han Solo.I recently watched the two latest Star Wars movies again and thought they were better than I remembered.
Again, one of the best parts was definitely Yoda.
I guess he was an early introduction to personal development and spirituality long before I had much interest in this stuff.
So today I’d like to share three of my favourite words of wisdom from that green little awesome guy.
You could do very well in any area of your life by just focusing on these few tips. Things don’t really have to be that complicated. Get these things handled reasonably well and your world opens up big time.
1. Don’t try. Do.
“Do or do not… there is no try.”
When you tell yourself and/or someone else that you will try you are in my experience more likely to give up or just stop when the first obstacle shows up.
When you say that you will do something there is more determination and power behind that decision. When the inevitable obstacles that always show up start to block your path you are determined. You will do this. So you find ways over, under, around and through the obstacles. And that’s what you have to do most of the time to actually get things done. Smooth sailing with no problems at all is pretty rare.
By making clear choices to do or not do something – and putting power behind those choices – you are more likely to actually get things done and succeed.
2. Overcome your fears.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”
Overcoming your fears is one of the most important things to improve yourself and grow. If you don’t you will just get stuck. But how do you do it? Well, first, as Yoda says, you have to stop avoiding your fear. You have think about it and see what is you really fear.
After you have brought some clarity to the situation, here are three of my favourite tips for actually overcoming that fear.
Face your fear.
Maybe not what you want to hear, but in my experience and from what I have learned from others this is the best way to overcome your fear.
And if you have to handle a big fear, whatever it may be, and later realise you actually survived it, many things in life you may have feared previously seems to shrink. Those fears become smaller. They might even disappear. You may think to yourself that what you thought was a fear before wasn’t that much to be afraid of at all.
Everything is relative. And every triumph, problem, fear and experience becomes bigger or smaller depending to what you compare it to.
Be curious.
This frame of mind makes it easier to face what you fear. When you are stuck in fear you are closed up. You tend to create division in your world and mind. You create barriers between you and other things/people. When you shift to being curious your perceptions and the world just opens up.
Curiosity is filled with anticipation and enthusiasm. It opens you up. And when you are open and enthusiastic then you have more fun things to think about than focusing on your fear.
How do you become more curious? One way is to remember how life has become more fun in the past thanks to your curiosity and to remember all the cool things it helped you to discover and experience.
All is one.
The ego wants to divide your world. It wants to create barriers, separation and loves to play the comparison game. The game where people are different compare to you, the game where you are better than someone and worse than someone else. All of that creates fear.
Doing the opposite removes fear. That there is no real separation between beings, that we are one and the same, might sound a bit corny.
But one thought you may want to try for a day is that everyone you meet is your friend. Another one is to see what parts of yourself you can see in someone you meet. And what parts of yourself you can see in him/her.
There is often an underlying frame of mind in interactions. Either it asks us how we are different to this person. Or how we are the same as this person. The first frame is based in how the ego likes to judge people and create separation to strengthen itself (either through feeling better or more like a victim). The second one creates warmth, an openness and curiosity within. In that one there is no place to focus on fear or judgement anymore.
This is a bit similar to the previous tip. Use both and see what works best for you.
3. Your world is a reflection of you.
“You will find only what you bring in.”
That’s what Luke is told in “The Empire Strikes Back” before he goes into the cave on Yoda’s home planet. Inside the cave Luke battles his demons – more specifically an illusion of Darth Vader – and are confronted with his owninner darkness. The darkness he brought into the cave and that could pull him over to the dark side if he allowed it to.
I think this is relevant in our world too. You find in your world what you bring into your world. And in your world you can see yourself – your thoughts and behaviours – reflected. By observing the world around you can gain insights into yourself and what you may need to improve.
Because even though there is big, big world out there with many possibilities and people in the end big change in your life comes down to you changing yourself.
It’s very easy to get stuck in thinking that your perspective, the lens through which you view reality is reality itself. But you can’t really see reality. You can only see it filtered through the lens. And the lens is you.
Changing, for example, a very negative attitude to a very positive one changes how you view yourself and your entire world. But it’s very hard to convince anyone of this. You just have to choose to try another perspective and use it for a month or so. Even though old thought patterns may want to draw you back to the comfortable stability of your old viewpoint. Which may cause you to rationalize that this positive attitude stuff is uncool or cheesy.
Truth is life will never be as in your dreams if you don’t change and correct yourself. No one is coming to save you. No book or personal development guru, not your parents, no knight/lady in white armour. Yes, people around you can of course be a big help.
But as an adult in this world it is time to grow up and save yourself. It is time to do things. To face your fears. Not just because those things are the right things to do. But also because these things are what actually work.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Hello Kitty
Thursday, October 22, 2009
for all the couples out there. ;p
Anda selalu bergayut dengan si dia sehingga larut malam dan apabila anda tidur anda masih fikir akan dia.
Anda sebenarnya berjalan dengan perlahan apabila anda dengannya.
Anda tidak merasa Ok apabila si dia berjauhan.
Anda tersenyum apabila anda mendengar suara si dia.
Apabila anda melihat kepada si dia,anda tidak nampak orang lain sekitar anda. Anda melihat hanya si dia..
Si dia adalah segala-galanya anda hendak memikirkan.
Anda menyedari yang anda tersenyum setiap masa anda melihat kepada si dia.
Anda akan melakukan sesuatu untuk berjumpa si dia.
Manakala anda semasa membaca ini, terdapat seseorang dalam fikiran anda sepanjang masa.
Anda telah begitu sibuk memikirkan si dia sehingga anda tidak perasan yang no TUJUH di atas adalah tiada.
Anda akan memeriksa semula di atas jika yang ke DUA adalah benar dan kini anda akan tersenyum sendiri..
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
or bust.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
heroes of newerth
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
antah saja
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
3 joints and a bong.
Friday, September 25, 2009
open house wang amir
saya, mohamad amirudin bin haji mirasan, ingin menjemput anda ke rumah terbuka saya pada hari ahad, 27th september 2009.
alamat: no 63, teratak amir, spg 1029, kg tanah jambu, jln muara.
masuk simpang, naik bukit and then straight on sampai ada dapan pagar, teratak amir, ya udah tu.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
terima kasih
bahh selamat hari raya!
if ada dota night sound2 saja. misis kah.