Saturday, April 25, 2009

Take it or leave it~

So i've come up with a solution to those yg nda mau bgundul. Since kamu sayang banar kan rambut atu rather than this team, why not share it saja. I mean sayang both, haha apakan~

So to those people here are the steps ;

  1. Go to the barbershop or saloon, whichever yg kamu prefer, then ask for 1, 2, 3 or 4
  2. Put the rambut in a plastic bag, since sayang banar atu jua kan ;)
  3. This is optional, yg ada gf(s) atu, if gf kamu really love kamu punya rambut, why not just give her the plastic bag? :p
  4. and finally, you can always put your hair back by glue-ing (not recommended)

saja~ just helping :p nda wah

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