So let me huphuphupdate with today news.
PPB LIME had a friendly match against PPB ZERO around 3.ooPM waktu Brunei Utara :D
Both teams were using baju putih purple. So since ada confusion, so ZERO paksa pakai it tebalik haha~ the no. didapan heheh. Why them? Pasal wakil from ZERO ibnu ayyub telah ditewaskan oleh wakil from LIME dalam rock paper scissors sampai 5 :p
So the match was singit sbalah~ pasal the supporters were gede-gede XD nda wah hahaha =D So ZERO were first to score the goal from si aiman~ Kaluk ah, me manada ready 0:) alasan plang tu heheh~ Then si aqil scored for LIME, dapan i think. Long after that before second half, kecuaian keeper LIME yg menaie palat kan mengclear but instead kana kaki si aiman membuat aiman mendapat jaringan percuma~ buuu cawer, apa ada main freee =p haha~

Puut puuut - Joules ( second half ertinya )
Aiman or was it Ayyub? scored again i think -_-' tapi kali ani jon yg keeper :p. The fourth goal was scored by joules with an amazing celebration~ kesian si joules jadi mangsa si mizan

LIME were beaten 4 - 1. We tried every opportunity yg ada but still ZERO's keeper fadli was so handal =p. Minutes of desperation, hadi scored 2 goals for LIME or was it sebiji dari si aqil or shrek or lut? ntah pokoknya dua goal lah. 4 - 3. Semakin dekat dengan skor ZERO, dengan izin si lut pun gol kaluk berabis during the last minute brabis XD
It was a draw masa full time but no~ the game didn't ended like yg mcm dalam tv atu, both team agreed to continue the match with an extra time of 10 minutes, 5 per half ;). The first half nada kemajuan. So abis lah harapan~ Bye haha
eyh eyh~ qil shoot qil shoot!!!!
GOAL!!!!! A winning golden goal for LIME wohoooo~
So LIME won 5 - 4.
It was a great match, back to you~ Ntam haha XD
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