Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya.

Aku ingin mengucapkan,
Selamat Hari Raya
kepada semua pemain dan peminat Pacah Pacah Bigi dan Outsyders.

not only that, this has been a great year for us all. we've bonded more.
great things has been going on between us all.
we've seen ourselves cry, laugh so hard and fought each other.
and in this year too,
some became legal.
i mean to drive. ;p eh wait, i mean to drive a CAR. eh no, not in that WAY! as in drive?
some left the team. =p
one became straight
one is still a monkey
a group got addicted to poker/dota.
another group became Yoona's fans. hehe
and handful kinda sorta flunked their grades. =p
one blog became the hot social news. HAHA
we merged with Outs too, which becomes PpbOuts.
some are good hockey players.
several are dating.
Tawa is dating!
Amir masih single
Hadi....errr. lain kejadiannya
Zaim kan ikut ppb, and Amin jua. Hahaha.
ppbouts ada team dota sudah; nO0bs.
si Zeerul banyak bejasa, in terms of driving us around.
Aku inda berumah, kan sleepover ganya.
Ayen jarang ku liat around.
Shahmi pun sama tia jua
Qawiem... bila open housenya?
Joules luan awal open house
Jwan jadi anak dara.
Aiman, rapping lagu raya.
Mizan jadi straight.
the list goes on and on and on!

in this great year too, we've seen some flew.
i hope they're doing alright out there.
while us stay here, and continue...

bah, bila main? hehe. nadawah, belajar duluuuuu!!! AS kurang sebulan dah.

Selamat~ Selamat~ Selamat Hari Raya~

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