hm so, the result..
13 people don't know siapa ppb's monkey which is jon i think, or maybe urg lain. me dont know. but yang me tau si jon gnya. hee.
12 people voted for the 'all of the above', yang menunjukkan:
1) they hate him berabisly, =o astee.
2) or they maybe hate him sikit saja. apakan.
3) bagi dorang si jon tak encem sangat. banar plang tu. pasal me vote atu wah. wawawa. tapi atu plang saja. bukan yang all of the above eh. hee.
4) they dislike him.
5) or maybe for them, si jon ani nothing, because it's an ambuk. hee. apakan. wawawa. no thing ah. bukan jua brg ia ani. haha. lame eh.
6) si jon ani voldemort of ppb? something bad that i can't mention. hmm.
7) dorang ani inda pernah suka si jon. eksen2 saja. apakan. antam.
8) they love him... not. gotcha. wawawa. xD
other than that, 2 person just banci ia berabisly, 5 urg cakap ia tak encem sangat, 4 urg dislike ia, 3 people cakap nada papa, and 3 urg suka ia punya kasut.
so yeah. thats all i think. hee. cheers. ;D
p/s: to the anonymous person, if mau buat poll baru, buat tah, ada jua kan ku post di sini kan. haha. okay. xD
sama kah banar? astee. =o haha. nada wah jon. me main2 ja. hee. peace.

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