Sunday, August 31, 2008
Primitives Challenge
3) AMER *kwn si B&A*
9) AYEN *eventhough kau dtg last minute*
anyway, we won the match and maybe got a little aggressive jua cause si ARSENAL GEBU main cawey XD . . . I think everybody ampit score. Man-of-the match aku lah or si AZMI hahahaha xp . . . We even managed to play a little game where kmi mesti score 5 without bolosing . . . Yeah we did it~ . . . Piece of shit~ (haha apakan~ kasar XD) . . . Piece of cake wah ;D . . . The second time we aimed to score ten which we failed to do it cause si SHAHMI balik eatah aku gk. Snang bolos wah. Aku nda ready wah ='( . . . Alasan~ =D . . . Anyway it's the first time aku throwbody . . . Ragat wah ;D but shooting yg cawey2 nda ku tsave XD . . . Sorry aku beibun, atleast mng wah ;D . . . K that's all~
anyway tomorrow ada PPB main d kebajikan at 8a.m. . . . Yg berminat boleh dtg ;D . . . Selamat berpuasa guys~ *awal XD*
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Khairul Hamizan adalah orang yang tepat dicari untuk menjelaskan semuanya.
bagi sesiapa yang hendak menanyakan soalan tentang gambar yang ditunjukkan di atas.
Taip ADAM[jarak]PERAMAS[jarak][soalan anda] dan hantarkan ke (132345344-123456789)
Terima Kasih.
Monday, August 25, 2008
3 - 1 ; nice defending SHREK
We won 3 - 1.
DANO scored twice and MIZAN one.
Those who were playing, congrats ;
and not to forget me *GK
btw bolos ku CAWER wah yo~. Dpan2, si MIZAN cuai. Si BAHRIN mengaleh brabis cause nda sub, hangih2 bh ea ah. Nda g mau straight ea bdiri~ haha . . .
not to forget, a very BIG thank you to MUAZ also. Eventhough ea nda sampat main haha xp . . . Ea brusaha coming back to school just to get the jersey wah XD . . . Next time tah ku inform kau awal2 ;D
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Journey to the...
OGDC Rubik's Competition.
Cameraman - Shahrin

Taking our shoes and slippers off, and Nafi was bangang cause he never thought the Seria Mosque is that small.
Cameraman - Azeerul Azez

Cameraman - Ayyub

Cameraman - Azeerul Azez
The videos are currently arah si Nafi, so tnggu sja tia.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Brunei Online
By Hanni ABD

- One
Friday, August 22, 2008
BASAH Failed to Defend Trophy
FUTSAL Field, MSPSBS - Today the second match of the newly introduced, not yet renowned KELAPA CUP was held at MSPSBS. A match between two very very fantastic teams which were head by head by the end of the match. It was KB feat. Ayen vs. BASAH feat. Joules.
It has only been a day since BASAH feat. Jon won the match against KARING & BAKU feat. Ayen. They lost the title due to the domination of the far more superior team - KBfA. They failed to defend their title eventhough they only had it for merely one day.
This loss was not taken in well by one of their players, whose name shall not be mentioned *cough*. =p Whereas he went in a rampage at the end of the match just before the Golden Goal scored by Awgku Md Afiq where that player pushing two of the players of KBfA who shall also remain unmentioned.
The final score was 9-8 which ended with a Golden Goal.
Awgku Mohd Afiq (Tawa) -> 3 goals
Muhd Nur Aiman (Treyo) -> 3 goals
Danial Taufik (Dano) -> 1 goal
Mohd Izdihar (Jon) -> 1 goal
Mohd Shahrin (Ayen) -> 1 goal
Hj Mohd Nadhir Aqil (Qyl) ->2 goals
Ibnu Ayyub (Nunu) -> 2 goals
Awg Haziq (Shrek) -> 1 goal
Awgku Zulfikar Ikram (Joules) -> 2 goals
Jazmi Zharfan (Jaz) -> 1 goal
When each of the teams were asked for their comments on each of their keepers. .
KBfA: "Eventhough both our keepers Awgku Azeerul Azez and Ahmad Mu'az did not score goals, their effort of goalkeeping made the match much more tense but also interesting at the same time. So we consider them having no mistakes for their hard work and effort. Keep it up."
BDfJ: "Disappointing, extremely disappointing."
As you can see above, these are the comments made by each of the captains from both teams. Sorry to say, to be honest, BDfJ are sore losers just by looking at the comment they made.
*hahah nadawahh~ sorry sorry =p*
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Deja Vu

Clockwise: AZEZ, MIZAN and AIMAN *dalam longkang xD*
*something was falling, falling fast towards us three. and for sure that "something" wasnt wearing a shirt*
Mizan: EH TUUU! *tunjuk atas*
Azez: Eh apakan tuu?!? Laju gugurnya ah. Fualuy~ lari ehh. Krg tekana tani.
Me: Antahh. Samut kli. Damit sulnya. Wawawa~. *lame*
Mizan: Eh si aiman jua tu nda makai baju ahh. *slurps*
*Aiman lands safely into a ditch*
It was like deja vu when Aiman *in the ditch shown in the above picture* fell down shockingly from the sky. It was actually like a reenactment of the whole incident while sadly caused him to injure himself in many ways. It should not be discussed anymore, our fellow teammate, Aiman, has suffered enough with his bond-thug-ness. But do not worry, it also made some opportunities for our fellow teammate, he might one day become an aspiring Bruneian rapper for all we know. Cross your fingers and your hearts guys. You never know, the day might come even sooner than we think x)
Anyways, we went towards aiman after he fell down and when asked :
Aiman: Aduhh mana ku kan?
Me: Eh fualuyyy. Okay kau kah? *bagi baju ppb, since ia nda makai baju*
Mizan: Alaaa~. *stops drooling*
Azez: Ehh dri mana kau JAHAT? Cana bleh kau dri atas atu? *tunjuk keatas*
Aiman: Antahh yaw~, aku tdi dalam kapal trabang wah. Flight on the way ke limbang. Kli tidur ku. Udah ku bangun sini tia.
*I took the picture when they were busy talking*
Azez: . . . .
Aiman: . . .
Mizan: *slurps* . . .
Aiman: . . .
I took the picture while Azez was talking with Aiman and as you can see, Mizan is still mesmerized by Aiman's graceful fall. Tsk tsk. You need therapy, Hamizan. =) Owh i didn't actually concentrate after I took the picture. I was busy laughing *get me? =p* =)
Over and outtt.
whether this article was fact or fiction, only us four know. so believe it or not =p it's just to entertain you. hopefully =D and sorry if boring =p
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
1st Kelapa Cup - Champion - PPB Basah
So yeah, let's wait for the next Kelapa Cup and see if PPB Basah can defend it's title as the champion of Kelapa Cup.
By PPB[10] and edited by PPB[14].
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Before And After (Professor Bahrin's Theory)
Professor Bahrin's Theory:
hmmm... if ya'll wondering siapa blkang nya atu.. actually... gmbr ne diambil masa durg "Curhat"... Curah Hati.. msa ne lah durg brkesmptan tuk sharing durg punya they feel dlm keadaan catu tu.. catulah.. just look at his face dlm gmbr tu.. trbukti dh msa nya blum tau sal theory Professor Bahrin. ya lngsung nda snyum.. catu sja.. memikirkn sal dirinya.. cna kn brubah..
After (Date: 06/08/08)
Sejak Ayen tau Theory Professor Bahrin ne... ya mengamalkan nya setiap hari... ya mncuba sdaya upaya.. sampai org melihat ya sprti org g**a..tetapi jgn silap.. member-member PPB smua nya tau perasaan Ayen sal ne.. so kmi fhm~ hmm... prubahan yg sngat nyata yg kita dpt nmpk dlm gmbr tu.. sprti...
1)dri emo jd clown... maaf maksud saya disini.. dr Sedih menjadi Happy...
2)dia tidk lg brsama dgn teman "Curhat" nya.. pasal teman nya tu.. nda prcya bout this theory.. so durg putus prshabatan..
(hmm.. sbnrnya.. shhhhh.... theory yg diamalkn oleh Ayen ne.. tidak ada hasilnya.. lihat sja.. dlm gmbr tu.. prhatikan lg gmbr 'Before' and compare with 'After')
Tetapi, PPB tetap respect rh Ayen... cause ya tetap berusaha sdaya upaya nya.. dan tidak mau mengalh.. tu lh semngat nya yg tidk pernh luntur..
Tetap berusaha Ayen.. :) Tetap Maju Pantang Mundur!
Terima Kasih.
-The End-
Bond Thug: "heehee.. tk brmksud utk menyakiti.. :) Peace."
Monday, August 18, 2008
i know lambat but just wanted to wish all the ppbs good luck on the last day of the qualifying exams. not to forget that there are also ppbs yang ambil 9 or 10 subjects. do your best guys! =) good luck and all the best.
okay then. laterrr. tidur ku dlu ehh. hahah. alum lgi blajar. hahah. bahh goodnightt~.
Interview With Dracula : KARING down
according to our researchers, SYAFIQ menghadapi KETULAHAN cause membuat dosa terhadap TUBUH ex-nya.
Luckily KARING had a second goalkeeper JONATHAN who is more capable than SYAFIQ, but unfortunately KARING had sold him to BASAH~.
kami akan menginterview captain karing sebentar lagi ;
interviewer : apakah perasaan anda mengenai dgn kecacatan yg bru dhadapi oleh satu-satunya gk KARING?
captain : ya~ saya merasa SANGAT sedih ke atas KECEDERAAN, bukan kecacatan, yg telah dhadapi oleh satu-satunya gk kmi yg tidak handal itu.
interviewer : adakah ini menjejaskan performance pasukan?
captain : ya~ sangat sukar bgi kita utk menunjukkan performance kita yg terbaik, dan tidak heran jika PRESTASI karing akan menurun dalam perlawanan selanjutnya~
interviewer : siapakah yg akan mengganti posisi SYAFIQ?
captain : ya~ buat masa ini sayalah org yg akan bertanggungjawab bgi mengganti posisinya sehingga dia SEMBUH
interviewer : sejujurnya, apakah yg anda rasai?
captain : uhh~ sejujurnya, baie eyh si SYAFIQ ani, sudah tia nda andal, injured lagi tu~
interviewer : ada yg hendak dikatakn lgi?
captain : ya~ kepada yg ingin menjadi gk kmi dluar sna, masih ada ruangan yg terbuka dan kepada SYAFIQ, SEMOGA CEPAT SEMBUH YA~
interviewer : terima kasih captain, back to STUDIO~
ya terima kasih interviewer, itu dia interview yg telah dlakukan. Sekian laporan pada hari ini, terima kasih
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Truth Behind 3 Satujas
ehem~ *clear throats, duh~ =D * we discovered the truth about them few weeks ago or was it a month ago. We (me AYEN AYYUB and AIMAN) were on our way balik from mall. Then after that sorang2 dah balik. Abis tia =D
at the traffic light near ex-huaho gadong ;
me : yaw, ku dangar dsini ada org bunuh diri wah, pekerja inda salah ku~
AYEN : ya wah? Yg ku tau ada org bunuh diri ea trajun dri tangga . . . *lupa ku apa ea cakap g :D*
then si AIMAN sanak trus menyampuk.
AIMAN : aku gugur dari langit nda jua ku bising, nda jua ada papa~
me : eatah kau silap man~
EVER wondered why AIMAN was that short or what we called 'BOND-THUG/BONE-THUG' . . . buntak bh haha~ . . . According to our research, we discovered that it was caused by gugurnya dri langit which made a major IMPACT to his KNEE JOINT tpi ea nda sdar about this situation. Impact ani PREVENTED him from getting TALLER haha~ ksian deh loh =D . . . One fact about this is liat sja ktinggiannya, apakan haha XD. Nda bh ea jalan plahan2 cause of this, sakit bh 2 kalau laju. But people, jangan jua silap, ea blari laju plang bnar, that's cause tlampau sakit eatah ea mesti laju2 haha~ . . . If you observe carefully, ea blari skajap jua ganya kn, jrang tah kn btah VraVisH =D . . . Anyway, AIMAN is a rapper. Wonder why? Panya kalau ea ckap plahan2, words yg dsabutnya atu nda lurus bh haha~ . . . He talks fast just to cover his PRONOUNCIATION XD . . . Ksian eyh, cna bleh ea tgugur dri langit atu kn? Luan jua jahatnya org yg mmbwa ea blayar atu, smpai drang buang ea bh hahaha~
AYEN's :
if you looked at ayen, ea slalu smiling and laughing. Pokoknya cheerful lah :D . . . Wondered why? Panya ea ikut theory professor BAHRIN ' LAUGHING MAKES YOU THINNER ' no wonder lah ea kuat ktawa, ea mencuba sdaya upaya panya haha XD . . . We'll show you nanti the picture of AYEN berubah-ing BEFORE and AFTER laughing ;)
this guy can be describe by one word behind all of his behavior, OVER-HORMONE~ . . . That's why this guy di considered as the PERAMAS PPB due to his GAY-NESS=D . . . Eatah kadang2 ea ignore gfnya si SYIDAH haha . . . Ada this one time masa braya, we were at subok then si MIZAN ani :
MIZAN : eyh tuu~ lelaki nda bebaju ah
we : mana kn? Nda ada pun~
MIZAN : tuu ujung ah~
then kmi liat banar2 panya ada, jauh g tu haha . . . and what's more interesting is that ea tnampak dua kali bh lelaki yg nda bebaju, at two different far places haha . . . He have a good sense of searching HALF-NAKED GUYS.
KB [karing+baku] vs BD [basah+damal]
Saya = Champion *bkannya ku kn prasan ah xp*
DANO = Seria
HADI = Labi
JON = Bukit Tempayan Pisang
MIZAN = Wasai Wang Kadir
FADLI = Sibanging
SHAHMI = Badas
SYAHMI = Lumut
SHREK = Lugu
AYYUB = Pelambaian
AYEN = Tasek Merimbun
JOULES = Pulau Chermin
BAHRIN = Pintu Malim
ALIF = Katimahar
ok this game btah plang dah, i even forgot who won, KB x haha~ . . . Eyh mana si SYAFIQ ah? I guess ea sibuk MEMICIK time atu haha XD
Friday, August 15, 2008
Special Olympics vs Normal
eatah kn~ early during the training, there was a little fight between BAHRIN & hazwan form 4 . . . Bkannya apa, just mcm banci-membanci cause si BAHRIN was halau-ing the form 4 from the futsal area mcm " bah!! PPB g punya masa, " something like that . . . Yes~ i know tani yg booking that area dri 1-3 p.m. but atleast he would halau them in a non-rude way, si BAHRIN tah bnar haha~
the first match was like 'SARDINE DALAM TIN' . . . It was very crowded in the futsal area, cmana jua, sorang2 GIAN kn main haha . . . then after half an hour playing cmatu, then came the real match. Between KARING and DAMAL~
puut~ the first half began, siapa ni ah goal ani? Si DANO x or MUAZ scored the first goal for karing. Then damal ani scored tia jua by JOULES, dapan2 g tu, si SYAFIQ buruk bh gk atu haha~ . . . 1-1
puut~ second half began, to decide which team will win *duh~ ofcourse =p* GOAL!!! by MUAZ, karing WON yihii~ . . . Btw gk damal si SHAHMI, sewa haha ;D
then the second match is between BASAH & BAKU, didn't get a chance to see or to know who won haha~ . . . Too busy ke asrama :D, di asrama, aku AYEN BAHRIN JOULES JON and SYAFIQ 'lefuck' kajap buat2 mnunggu kawan si JON *the contractor* refilling & waiting for the refiller to be sajuk, kmi duduk d ujung2 near the pipe, and share cerita haha~ . . . Yg kesian si SYAFIQ cause ea kna bully haha, he said that all girls want is 'MANI', that's when me and BAHRIN starts denying and make fun of his relation with his latest ex haha~
then back to the futsal area, chilled for a while then starts a competition between me JOULES and AIMAN, hitting the bar of the goal post as far as possible, JOULES won it ='( . . . Then ada org nda mau2, buat team tia jua, si JAZ, DANO, AQIL and TAWA . . . kmi blawan 3 on 3, apakan 3 on 4 jua 2 :D but still kmi manang with the help of si JOULES punya ACCURACINESS OF KALUK XD . . .
lastly, the MAIN EVENT, SPECIAL OLYMPICS vs NORMAL. Special olympics consisting of 'Si Handless Overhappy Guy AIMAN', 'Si Seluar Tingkai and GG Ronaldinho SHREK', 'Si Pemental Kalau Goal Happy Berabis Guy JAZ', 'Si Hidden Talent Of Nda Pandai Main Bula TAWA', 'Si Nada Cacat But Still Ikut Org2 Cacat DANO' and ALIF BATU. From Normal, there's me AQIL JOULES and AYEN . . . The match was so fun which was full with laughter than play. Awal N lead. Then S. Then N balik. Ilang smile org2 olympic atu trus XD . . . N 12-10 S . . . Eyh~ awu ah, not to forget si AYYUB joined normal. Kesian~ he had a qualifying exam eatah didn't get to join us earlier :D