Sunday, August 17, 2008

Truth Behind 3 Satujas

This is a story about 3 PPB-ians. If you're under 18 or still living with your parents, please DON'T READ cause the content consists of EXPLICT and EXOTIC material. If you're still gonna read it, make sure you're alone cause if you're not, people would say "NGAPA EA KETAWA SORANG DIRI ANI?" . . . apakan~ haha

ehem~ *clear throats, duh~ =D * we discovered the truth about them few weeks ago or was it a month ago. We (me AYEN AYYUB and AIMAN) were on our way balik from mall. Then after that sorang2 dah balik. Abis tia =D


at the traffic light near ex-huaho gadong ;

me : yaw, ku dangar dsini ada org bunuh diri wah, pekerja inda salah ku~
AYEN : ya wah? Yg ku tau ada org bunuh diri ea trajun dri tangga . . . *lupa ku apa ea cakap g :D*

then si AIMAN sanak trus menyampuk.
AIMAN : aku gugur dari langit nda jua ku bising, nda jua ada papa~
me : eatah kau silap man~

EVER wondered why AIMAN was that short or what we called 'BOND-THUG/BONE-THUG' . . . buntak bh haha~ . . . According to our research, we discovered that it was caused by gugurnya dri langit which made a major IMPACT to his KNEE JOINT tpi ea nda sdar about this situation. Impact ani PREVENTED him from getting TALLER haha~ ksian deh loh =D . . . One fact about this is liat sja ktinggiannya, apakan haha XD. Nda bh ea jalan plahan2 cause of this, sakit bh 2 kalau laju. But people, jangan jua silap, ea blari laju plang bnar, that's cause tlampau sakit eatah ea mesti laju2 haha~ . . . If you observe carefully, ea blari skajap jua ganya kn, jrang tah kn btah VraVisH =D . . . Anyway, AIMAN is a rapper. Wonder why? Panya kalau ea ckap plahan2, words yg dsabutnya atu nda lurus bh haha~ . . . He talks fast just to cover his PRONOUNCIATION XD . . . Ksian eyh, cna bleh ea tgugur dri langit atu kn? Luan jua jahatnya org yg mmbwa ea blayar atu, smpai drang buang ea bh hahaha~

AYEN's :

if you looked at ayen, ea slalu smiling and laughing. Pokoknya cheerful lah :D . . . Wondered why? Panya ea ikut theory professor BAHRIN ' LAUGHING MAKES YOU THINNER ' no wonder lah ea kuat ktawa, ea mencuba sdaya upaya panya haha XD . . . We'll show you nanti the picture of AYEN berubah-ing BEFORE and AFTER laughing ;)


this guy can be describe by one word behind all of his behavior, OVER-HORMONE~ . . . That's why this guy di considered as the PERAMAS PPB due to his GAY-NESS=D . . . Eatah kadang2 ea ignore gfnya si SYIDAH haha . . . Ada this one time masa braya, we were at subok then si MIZAN ani :

MIZAN : eyh tuu~ lelaki nda bebaju ah
we : mana kn? Nda ada pun~
MIZAN : tuu ujung ah~

then kmi liat banar2 panya ada, jauh g tu haha . . . and what's more interesting is that ea tnampak dua kali bh lelaki yg nda bebaju, at two different far places haha . . . He have a good sense of searching HALF-NAKED GUYS.



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