Clockwise: AZEZ, MIZAN and AIMAN *dalam longkang xD*
Today, something extraordinary but also at the same time weird happened right in front of our eyes. Azez, Mizan and myself were astonished by the events that occured while we were on the way back to school from the stadium.
*something was falling, falling fast towards us three. and for sure that "something" wasnt wearing a shirt*
Mizan: EH TUUU! *tunjuk atas*
Azez: Eh apakan tuu?!? Laju gugurnya ah. Fualuy~ lari ehh. Krg tekana tani.
Me: Antahh. Samut kli. Damit sulnya. Wawawa~. *lame*
Mizan: Eh si aiman jua tu nda makai baju ahh. *slurps*
*Aiman lands safely into a ditch*
It was like deja vu when Aiman *in the ditch shown in the above picture* fell down shockingly from the sky. It was actually like a reenactment of the whole incident while sadly caused him to injure himself in many ways. It should not be discussed anymore, our fellow teammate, Aiman, has suffered enough with his bond-thug-ness. But do not worry, it also made some opportunities for our fellow teammate, he might one day become an aspiring Bruneian rapper for all we know. Cross your fingers and your hearts guys. You never know, the day might come even sooner than we think x)
Anyways, we went towards aiman after he fell down and when asked :
Aiman: Aduhh mana ku kan?
Me: Eh fualuyyy. Okay kau kah? *bagi baju ppb, since ia nda makai baju*
Mizan: Alaaa~. *stops drooling*
Azez: Ehh dri mana kau JAHAT? Cana bleh kau dri atas atu? *tunjuk keatas*
Aiman: Antahh yaw~, aku tdi dalam kapal trabang wah. Flight on the way ke limbang. Kli tidur ku. Udah ku bangun sini tia.
*I took the picture when they were busy talking*
Azez: . . . .
Aiman: . . .
Mizan: *slurps* . . .
Aiman: . . .
I took the picture while Azez was talking with Aiman and as you can see, Mizan is still mesmerized by Aiman's graceful fall. Tsk tsk. You need therapy, Hamizan. =) Owh i didn't actually concentrate after I took the picture. I was busy laughing *get me? =p* =)
Over and outtt.
whether this article was fact or fiction, only us four know. so believe it or not =p it's just to entertain you. hopefully =D and sorry if boring =p
*something was falling, falling fast towards us three. and for sure that "something" wasnt wearing a shirt*
Mizan: EH TUUU! *tunjuk atas*
Azez: Eh apakan tuu?!? Laju gugurnya ah. Fualuy~ lari ehh. Krg tekana tani.
Me: Antahh. Samut kli. Damit sulnya. Wawawa~. *lame*
Mizan: Eh si aiman jua tu nda makai baju ahh. *slurps*
*Aiman lands safely into a ditch*
It was like deja vu when Aiman *in the ditch shown in the above picture* fell down shockingly from the sky. It was actually like a reenactment of the whole incident while sadly caused him to injure himself in many ways. It should not be discussed anymore, our fellow teammate, Aiman, has suffered enough with his bond-thug-ness. But do not worry, it also made some opportunities for our fellow teammate, he might one day become an aspiring Bruneian rapper for all we know. Cross your fingers and your hearts guys. You never know, the day might come even sooner than we think x)
Anyways, we went towards aiman after he fell down and when asked :
Aiman: Aduhh mana ku kan?
Me: Eh fualuyyy. Okay kau kah? *bagi baju ppb, since ia nda makai baju*
Mizan: Alaaa~. *stops drooling*
Azez: Ehh dri mana kau JAHAT? Cana bleh kau dri atas atu? *tunjuk keatas*
Aiman: Antahh yaw~, aku tdi dalam kapal trabang wah. Flight on the way ke limbang. Kli tidur ku. Udah ku bangun sini tia.
*I took the picture when they were busy talking*
Azez: . . . .
Aiman: . . .
Mizan: *slurps* . . .
Aiman: . . .
I took the picture while Azez was talking with Aiman and as you can see, Mizan is still mesmerized by Aiman's graceful fall. Tsk tsk. You need therapy, Hamizan. =) Owh i didn't actually concentrate after I took the picture. I was busy laughing *get me? =p* =)
Over and outtt.
whether this article was fact or fiction, only us four know. so believe it or not =p it's just to entertain you. hopefully =D and sorry if boring =p
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